Products > Wheel alignment - Concentric testing system > Agricultural machinery > RPV1300
    • Details of the RPV1300 concentric system





    RPV1300 concentric testing system for the concentric optimization of large vehicle tires

    The concentric testing system was developed to enable concentric optimization of large tractor wheels and other wheels of agricultural and earthmoving machinery. A well characterized problem: the vehicle can begin to soar and “hop” at high speeds. The cause is often a concentric error on the wheel.


    Below are some of the advantages of the RPV1300:

    • RPV1300 - the concentric testing system for tractors and agricultural machinery

    • Nominal values of the concentricity on the rims and wheels are recorded using the latest laser technology and eventual radial run-outs are precisely localized on the wheel
    • Intuitive user-friendly software with clear step by step instructions
    • Software controlled overview of the measurement values and optimization suggestions (match proposals)


    Problem of soaring

    Modern tractors that have large wheels can begin to soar and “hop” at high speeds. This can cause such strong vibrations resulting in no further contact between the wheel and the road exists and hence making the vehicle uncontrollable. This dangerous situation can arise if for instance, a run-out exists between the wheel and the rim.



      Take a look at the video of our RPV1300 !

      To the RPV user video >>>





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